
Remedy count is a simple application that shows you what tickets you have. The application checks every 5 minutes to see what tickets are assigned to you, and displays that number either in the menubar on a mac, or the system tray on windows. Clicking on the count will bring up a menu showing you the summary of each ticket. Choosing a ticket from the menu will take you to the SimpleTickets web view for that ticket.

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Unzip the file, and double-click on the application. The first time you run the application it will ask for your UA NetID / Password. This will be used to log into Remedy, and will be stored securely in the system keychain.


You will have to un-install old versions of RemedyCountWin before installing a new version.

Unzip the file, and run the setup program. It will then install the RemedyCountWin application for you. The first time you run it, you may not see anything other than a "0" in your system tray. Click on the 0, and choose "Settings..." from the contextual menu. Enter your Remedy username here (usually first m last, ie Mark H Fischer) and click save.

By default windows only shows system tray icons if they have a notification to report. To show the count icon all the time, choose "Customize..." in the system tray settings, and set RemedyCountWin to show both icon and notifications.

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